Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ceramics - Greek Pottery video

Follow the link and watch the following very brief video about Greek pottery. 

You must say something that has not already been said and name a fact that you learned from watching.



  1. i thought i was interesting that the people making the pots also made the clay that they used. One fact that i learned was that a Greek pot had to be made in pieces, not all in one throwing.

  2. I didn't know that so much work went into using clay such as making them in large outdoor pools to make the refined clay and how much they had to wedge it before using it.

  3. I did not know that people made there own clay and it was interesting to me that it required such big spaces and was like their full time job instead of it being a hobby like it is for most people. I learned that a Greek pot takes more time than normal and is thrown in separate pieces instead of one big one- julie ann

  4. I was interested by how much work went into making the clay usable for making pits with. I learned that they used liquid clay as almost a kind if glaze to paint the images onto the pot

  5. it is very interesting and cool to see how much work and detail go into these clay projects, the coolest thing was i did not know that they used clay to create and help make pools.
    -- Cameron Park

  6. I thought it was very interesting to watch the clay being made. I didn't know that they would step on the clay and wedge it together with their feet. Watching him step on the clay was very satisfying. I also learned that the clay was from evaporated pools of mud and water. I thought clay was dug up from the ground. _Mary Daniel

  7. i stupidly thought that the greeks just went about bought their clay. i thought it was cool how they made there own clay. one thing i thought was cool was how they had there own kind of make shift kiln and new when they needed to take their pot out.

  8. I thought it was cool how much time they spent to refine the clay and how they used the sun to evaporate the water and leave the refined clay. One fact I learned was that it was called taracota

  9. It was interesting how they carved shapes into the painted clay to make designs. I learned that the pots are red and black because of a 3 stage firing process.
    -Lillie Mealor

  10. I learned alot from this video. Seeing how clay is made and how they use their feet is interesting.

  11. It was very interesting how they created the designs. I also thought it was very interesting how they made their own clay.

  12. I thought this video was very interesting and helpful and very cool seeing how they make their own clay and how they use their feet.
    --Cameron Park
