Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Art Two - Painting before 1850

The paintings below were created before 1850 (and before the wide use of the camera).  What are your thoughts?

Image result for painting before 1850 masterworks

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Image result for painting before 1850 masterworks

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  1. All of the paintings seem to have similar color schemes and similar themes. My favorite is the last piece because I like that earthy aspect.
    Taylor Gordy

  2. i think that all of the paintings are very impressive, especially since they did not have photographs to look at. I know that i would most likely not be able to paint that good. my favorite is the first one because of the details in the painting
    abbey surles

  3. Each of the paintings have insane detail, especially considering if the artiest was even looking at something, it was constantly changing. I really like the first one because of the detail not only in the people, but also in the setting around them

  4. The detail in each of these paintings is very impressive. The paintings are darker lighting, but still have contrast. I like the third painting because there is so much action happening in the painting.

  5. All of the paintings are very detailed and well done. All of the paintings also have darker color schemes than many painting today. My favorite piece is the first one because it feels homey and like a picture. - Annabel Wilson

  6. I like how these paintings have a lot of light and dark contrast and lots of detail and the second one is my favorite because of the action going on in the painting. - eden hill

  7. my favorite one is the second painting because it has so much detail in the smallest spots possible and the one painting can have many meanings to it..
    -- Cameron Park

  8. the paintings are all really good and have battle scenes, i really like the one thats on a swamp, it has so much detail
    - cammie frame

  9. I like how all of these paintings are different, yet they all give me a similar emotion. The color scheme in all of the paintings seems darker and not as bright.
    -Lillie Mealor

  10. I like how all the paintings have a story behind them. Their colors are nice and thought provoking.

  11. I think that it is really cool that artist are able to paint these with out looking at a picture. They are all really beautiful paintings but my favorite is the second one.
