Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Art One - More Drawings in Pencil

See below.  Which is your favorite and why?

Image result for pencil portrait drawings

Image result for pencil portrait drawings

Image result for pencil portrait drawings
Image result for pencil portrait drawings


  1. The first one is my favorite because of the shading and the contrast on the picture - Garyah

  2. My favorite one is the second drawing of the old woman because she looks so real and the artist really brought out the light and dark creases/features of her face.
    Wynter Callahan

  3. I like the one with Jesus. It is quite beautiful and shows how the crucifixion was so horrible through the detail of Jesus's sufferings and how he is trying to stay strong for his friends and family.-Charles Upshaw

  4. I like the first one because of the shades and the hair looks neat. - Brooks Roper

  5. The last one was my favorite, it looks so realistic that it could be mistaken for a a black and white photograph, the realism and detail is astonishing - Josh Lincoln

  6. The last one is my favorite because I like how detailed it is. especially on the beard- Harry

  7. i like the 2nd and third one because they look like they are pictures but its just that detailed - jerrico

  8. i like the second one of the old lady. the way they were able to use so much detail and were able to do all the wrinkles.
    -avery stroud

  9. I like the second one. It has a ton of detail and looks more like a picture than a drawing. -Henry

  10. I like the last one because the shading is amazing, but the lines aren't blurred. The details are very sharp and contrast with the softer gray tones and shading.

  11. I like the second one the best because is looks sooo much like a photograph and i shows detail very well.- Claire

  12. I like the last drawing because it shows how much detail they put into the wrinkles and the hair of the man - jackson Moore

  13. I like the second ome because of how good the details look. I like how the artist did the lady's facial features it brought the picture.-Jalyna M.

  14. I like the Jesus one because you can still see the canvas. - Mathis Fricks

  15. i like the Clint Eastwood one because he is my favorite actor- eli

  16. I like the first one because it is of Jesus and it is very realistic.
    - Lola Grace Wilson

  17. I like the last one because of how detailed it is -Walker

  18. My favorite drawing is the last one of that man. That is my favorite because the drawing and details look real. - coleman
