Thursday, October 2, 2014

3D AP and ART 3 - Parts and Pieces

Next week, we will begin a larger scale sculpture.  It will be based on a realistic version of a body or animal part.  You should depict just enough so that the viewer can tell what it is, but not so much that it is super obvious upon first glance.  You will need to edit out just enough to make it mysterious BUT include enough so that the viewer knows what it is.  We will complete a rough construction using wood and wire.  Then you will add paper mache, plaster strips and joint compound.  We will finish them off with a metal type paint.

Step 1 - decide on your subject - part of an animal or human body

Step 2 - find several pictures of it from various angles - it can be from a variety of online sources

Step 3 - print them out and tape securely in your sketchbook.  If you don't already have the printer installed, go to your start page (little flag button on the bottom left of your keyboard) and start typing the word "printer".  Go to "Device Settings" or "Devices and Printers" and click on "Add a Printer" (or "add a device").  Select the FA_MS-HS-Art printer.  The printer is in the closet in Mrs. Garrison's classroom.

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