Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Art Two - Collage examples

Look at the collages below.  Which one is your favorite?  Notice how they use a variety of tones and textures of the same color.


  1. I LOVE the closeup of the woman. All the details make it really good, like the blue in the lips and the color in the eyelashes.

  2. the one of the woman's face is my favorite because it flows really well and looks like a painting and not a collage
    - ashton

  3. The one of the boy blowing bubbles is my favorite because of how the artist incorporated letters and numbers in the artwork.

  4. i love the first one! Emily Sandoval

  5. My favorite one is the first one.
    Emily Edwards

  6. My favorite collage is the second one because it is very detailed, and although it has many small little pieces, it coherently meshes together and looks a lot like a regular painting.

  7. i like the ones that have letters and words incorporated in the art because it makes it interesting and unique

  8. My favorite is the one of the boy blowing bubbles! I think it is the most realistic and I love how the artist incorporated the letters

  9. i love the first picture the best.. i love that the colors are the most accurate to how the colors on a real picture would have been.. i love the bright colors
