Monday, September 8, 2014

Art 2 - Masks from around the world

Masks are a very interesting topic. They can be used to mask our real physical faces for fun but can also been used to reveal our inner selves. In rituals, shamans or role players use masks to act out mythical characters, archetypes or personas (persona literally meant “mask” in ancient Latin). We all have these characters either individually or collectively dwelling in our dreams or inner worlds. One good way to get to the meaning of these characters is to bring them out into the open. The ancient world used masks to symbolize and convey personalities and emotions that defined their cultures. Some cultures have come up with some very distinct styles but some similar types of masks can be seen across cultures worldwide. For example you can find many skulls, demons, bird-men or wolf-men all over the globe. Here is a small sample of masks.



Chokwe Tribe Africa


  1. these are awesome i love the first one

  2. I am so excited to get started on these masks. I love expressing different emotions through different facial expressions on the clay faces. My favorite is the first one.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The first mask looks like a combination of different animals with a demonic nature. The third one is my favorite because it looks like a trial shaman or a witch doctor

  5. The first mask looks like a combination of different animals with a demonic nature. The third one is my favorite because it looks like a trial shaman or a witch doctor

  6. I like the Chinese one the best. The Himalayan one is pretty creepy.

  7. the third one is my favorite
    - anna

  8. What's the cost two own one the first one. .boo!!
