Thursday, March 19, 2020

Art Two - Landscape painting with pattern

Comments due Friday, March 27 by 8:15 a.m.

Below are several landscape paintings that incorporate pattern in some way.  What are your thoughts?

Image result for landscape painting with pattern

Image result for landscape painting with pattern

Image result for landscape painting with pattern

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  1. I love the first painting. They way that the artist incorporated the pattern on the land is incredible. In all the paintings, the patterns add fun and color to normal landscapes. They are all incredible paintings.

  2. The first one looks like the paint-by-number style that we’ve been doing. However, my favorite is the third one because it looks the most like a landscape and it has many different patterns.

  3. I really like the first painting, it is very exotic. I enjoy skiing and that painting reminds me of snowy mountains.

  4. I really like the first painting it gives a very light and airy vibe and the geometric pattern makes it super different.

  5. These have been checked. They were due at 8:15 a.m.

  6. I like how crazy they are. They are kind off psychedelic and I rly like that.
