Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Art Two - more Picasso

Below are more examples of Picasso's work (in chronological order).  Thoughts?

Image result for pablo picasso paintings young

Image result for pablo picasso paintings blue

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Image result for pablo picasso paintings rose

Image result for pablo picasso paintings rose

Image result for pablo picasso paintings gertrude
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Image result for pablo picasso paintings cubism guernica


  1. As you go through the pictures, they get more abstract. Also, a few in the middle are blue and look depressing

  2. Picasso's realistic paintings still are a little odd looking, like his abstract pieces.

  3. Picasso's realistic paintings still are a little odd looking, like his abstract pieces.

  4. They are interesting. It's cool to see how creative he can get with his paintings.

  5. I really like the more realistic paintings because I feel like there is more emotion and i really like that he uses gloomy colors to portray the somber mood.
    Taylor Gordy

  6. All of the paintings are great and very different. to me they all have a sad mood to them, even the ones that are a little more colorful and would seem "happy". - abbey surles

  7. I really liked the two blue-themed paintings because you can see the mood and feel the sadness coming off the painting. I also really liked the black and white one that was last because of all the different shapes and design in it! - cammie frame

  8. In the 2nd and 3rd paintings, Picasso used blue colors and it gave me a sense of sadness/loneliness, but all of the paintings look incredible.

  9. I like how Picasso has his own style of art. I feel like he was in his own world when he painted these and that's what gives them that extra sense of speciality that comes with all of Picasso's works
    - Brady R.

  10. The blue painting's that Picasso did gave me a feeling of depression and despair. Picasso brings people out of their ideal versions of art when he does his abstract pieces and I really enjoy that.

  11. Picasso's art started out looking more realistic and over time started to look abstract.
    -Lillie Mealor

  12. I like the third one because the color sets the tone of the painting, it is dark colored and expresses that the man is sad.
    -- Cameron Park
