Monday, September 23, 2019

Art Two - Block Prints

Image result for block printing

Below are of block prints.  What do you notice about the process of the artist?  Which ones are more/less successful and why?

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  1. The ones with bigger areas cut out, like the squirrel, has little lines showing where they didn't get everything cut out but the ones with more detail and smaller areas cut out are more filled in with ink.

  2. I think these are cool, they take time to cut out and make shapes with. The ones with more detail come out better, than the ones with less detail.

  3. The ones with the most detail show how the artist was focusing on the details of their work. They are all really beautiful.

  4. I noticed that there are an even amount of "darks & lights" which is due to the amount you cut. The amount of details is what makes the picture more interesting. I really like how all of these look.
    Taylor Gordy

  5. The ones with more detail seem to turn out better, I really like the calm village one that has a lot of details on the rocks. They are all very interesting and seem like they take a lot of work to make it look so good
    - Cammie frame

  6. i enjoy the ones with the most detail. they turn out better than the ones with less detail because the artist took more time to cut spots.
    - abbey

  7. i like the one with the sunflowers and the house the best because you can see the depth in the art and detail.- eden hill

  8. The details of the pictures catch my eye more than the pictures with less detail like the squirrel. These pictures show how important detail is.

  9. i like the one with the monster in the background of the city because it has so much detail in each little part of every building
    -- Cameron Park

  10. The ones with more detail came out better than the ones with less. By adding many details, the artists created very elaborate and legible works.
    -Annabel Wilson

  11. I really like these. It seems like the pictures that have more detail in them turned out better. I really like the second one and the fifth one. -Lillie Mealor

  12. The ones with more detail came out better than the ones with less detail. These are very cool.
    -Emmie DeZoort

  13. These have been checked and graded. No more comments accepted.
