Friday, February 7, 2020

Art One - Chairs

Below are paintings of chairs by Vincent van Gogh.  He was a Dutch painter who lived and worked in France (1853-1890).  Which is your favorite?

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Image result for van gogh chair

Image result for chair painting

This chair was painted by van Gogh's friend Paul Gauguin.

Image result for chair painting


  1. My favorite chair was the last one because it uses a lot of colors that your wouldn't think would be included. -Kennedi

  2. i like the third one the best because it has the most details and is very colorful
    -Law Wilson

  3. i like the last painting of the chair because of the colors and detail.

  4. My favorite chair is the first one because it looks the most proportional and detailed - Caroline Bennett

  5. I like the third painting since it also adds a location of where the chair is instead of it being in front of just a wall.


  6. I like the 3rd painting because it is very colorful and there is more going on than a chair.
    -Kate Jones

  7. These chairs are very colorful and the usage of various lines make the chair look very unique.

    -Sky Pope

  8. i like the second one because of all the detail that was done with a pencil
    - victoria

  9. i like the third one because it really shows the perspective on the room with the chair.
    - Holly Hatcher

  10. i like the third one because it has a lot of color in it

  11. I like are second one because of its unique shape and drawing
    -Garrison Black

  12. I like the second one because of the uniqe style
    - Elizabeth

  13. The third one is by far my favorite. I like how the viewer is able to see an entire room. The type of style also is the most unique.

    - Barrett Barkley

  14. I like the first one the best because of the tones
    -Sophia Ives
