Monday, August 26, 2019

Art One - Coil Pottery

Below are examples of symmetrical clay pots.  Which is your favorite and why?

Image result for coil pottery

Image result for coil pottery

Image result for coil pottery

Related image

Image result for coil pottery


  1. I like the black and white one with the overlapping lines.

  2. The 4th clay pot is my favorite. It is my favorite because, i like all of the lines and the black and white which makes it unique.

  3. my favorite is the black and white one because of its contrast

  4. My favorite is the 4th clay pot. I like the design on it and the use of subtle colors and how they fade. Also the black lines that seperate the colors. Also the shape of the pot. -avery stroud

  5. i like the second pot with the design on the outside mainly because of all the lines and how it they make the pot look different

  6. My favorite is probably the second to last because it looks like an optical illusion.

    Olivia C

  7. The 4th one is my favorite because the pattern and design is really cool.

  8. My favorite is the white one with black lines. It looks 3D and looks like it was a fun to make. It looks like it is overlapping nd the different shades of white are interesting to me. - Brooks Roper

  9. My favorite one is the grey pot because it reminds me of marble in a way. I really like the lines and curves painted on the pot.- Jalyna M.

  10. My favorite pot is the second to last one, with the black and white lines, because the pattern is very soothing and satisfying. i would buy this pot as a decoration for my home. -Wynter Callahan

  11. The first one is my favorite one because of the shape of it and how detail it is.

  12. my favorite is the black and white one because of its contrast. -kate

  13. I like the second one better because they design is cool and I like the colors better

  14. I like the fourth pot because I like the striped designs and it looks cool.

  15. My favorite clay pot is the second one. I love the detail and design that it shows. - Lola Grace Wilson

  16. The first one is my Favorite because of the eyes which makes it look like a Owl

  17. My favorite one is the really big one sitting on the little square table. I like the zig zag lines and the bigger the better. - Jackson Moore

  18. I prefer the one with Zebra lines, it gives me a good vibe. Because that's a vibe.

  19. I like the second one because it reminds me of waves on a summer day.- Eli

  20. I like one that looks like a pot from ancient Greece. The people depicted on it are very lifelike for being on a pot and could be Adam and Eve.-Charles Upshaw

  21. The 4th pot is my favorite. I like the differing black and whites contrasting with each other

  22. I like the fourth pot because I like the striped designs and it looks cool.- Coleman Cauley
