Monday, November 26, 2018

Art One - Eyes

Below are drawings of eyes.  You will be drawing your own eye.  What do you notice?

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  1. I notice the amount of detail that goes into each of them. The inclusion of the iris and pupil really help bring a sense of realism to each of them.

  2. I notice the glare in the eyes and the different detail in each. I also noticed that in the second one it even includes a vein and a tear coming out of the eye. -karsten herron

  3. I notice the lights and darks and the reflections. The more detail you add the more realistic it looks. The reflections are what makes it look so realistic.
    Taylor Gordy

  4. I notice how each artist uses texture and shadowing to make the image 3D. I especially see this in the 2nd image where the eye is crying.
    -annabel wilson

  5. I noticed in each drawing there was different shading throughout all of them. I also noticed all the details and work that was put into the drawing, you can tell they worked hard and took their time getting all their details perfect
    Cardin Weaver

  6. I noticed that the first two eyes you can see the glare and many other details. The first one shows the color of the eye ball and each one is very differently shaped and you can tell how long the artist worked on them.- Mary Daniel Windham

  7. i noticed the detailing that made it look so realistic. all the small details and the reflections added to how real it looked. the dhading also gave it dimensions.
    rebecca ennis

  8. In each drawing I noticed that there is a ton of detail in the eye. I am able to see the "glossiness" and reflections on the eye. Each eye is unique, but all of them are very well drawn.

  9. i notice all of the detail and time spent on each drawing makes them unique

  10. I notice in the first two pictures that you can see the glare better and there is a little more detail and they look a little more realistic.
    savannah terrell

  11. There is extreme detail in the first two drawings. The third seems more of a sketch. I like all of them though and hopefully mine looks somewhat close to those.

  12. These are some nice eyes, i love the drawings too.

    - Cam Tims 9th

  13. I like the detail and I like the color pop in the first eye. They all look so realistic. -Ella

  14. There is such deep detail within these eyes. They made them look 3-D! My favorites are actually the one with the tear falling from the persons eye and my second favorite is the eye with the blue and green coloring, it makes it looks so realistic!! I cannot wait to draw these!

  15. The first thing i notice is how much detail there is. Even in the smallest part of the eye there is so much detail. i really like the pictures of eyes and my favorite is the one with the tear because its just an eye but shows so much emotion.

  16. The first thing I notice are the eye lashes, and the color. People say that eyes are the window to the soul, and they are good at giving away people's emotions. This gives eyes a greater significance, which only leads me to believe that it will be difficult to draw. They are lovely though!

  17. The Pupil especially on the first eye definitely stands out to me. I love the colors and the detail. Very talented artist that drew this! I love all three of these pictures tbh.

  18. i notice the detail on the first one and its like very realistic and the eye ball is very shiny. it looks cool.

  19. The eyes look so realistic and it gives the appearance that the eyes is watering which is amazing that just some pencils can make it look like that.

  20. I notice the intense detail. The eye looks like it is watering and is very shiny. I also notice how much time is spent on the eye brows and eye lashes.

  21. I notice that the way the artist makes the drawing look realistic is putting a glare somewhere on the eye. This makes it look more 3D and rounded

  22. I notice the different shades and shadows in the eyes. There is also alot of detail in all of these pictures.

  23. I notice the amount of detail put into the shading of the eyes to make them so realistic.
    -Rives Watson

  24. The drawing of eyes are so cool and look very hard to draw. I love how the artist puts so much detail into the littlest things like a tear or the different colors in the eye. I noticed how not too much detail is spent on anything outside of the eye. I think this is a technique that helps you focus more on the eye itself and the complexity of it.
    -Brady Roper

  25. I think the most important thing for me to remember while drawing my eye is the importance of contrast and precision/attention to detail.

  26. These are pretty amazing and the idea of me having to draw my own eyes is daunting. Its very cool to see how the light is reflected off the different part of the eye. The amount of detail used in these drawing is perfect and this makes them fun to look at.

    Benjamin Ryle

  27. these look good to me because they have so much detail to them. they look very realistic and fun to draw - CG

  28. I noticed that you have to be very detailed with the iris, also the eye has a shiny look to it.
    -Bryce Ball

  29. I noticed that we need to observation the eyes carefully. It is very important about the detail of the eyes, --Kevin Wang

  30. the contrast that the artist us to draw the eyes really makes it realistic and how they make them look glossy is amazing. - eden hill

  31. The eyes are very detailed and so realistic- jack Beeland

  32. I noticed how detailed the eyes were and how every drawing is different.-Lillie Mealor

  33. this is very detailed and I like how it is very different.

  34. I noticed how the artist drew in the reflection of light in the eye. -Bailey Casteel
