Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Art Two - Famous American Paintings

Below are some famous and iconic American paintings. 

Gilbert Stuart - "George Washington"
Image result for american painting gilbert stuart

Grant Wood - "American Gothic"
Image result for american painting grant wood

John Singer Sargant - "The Daughters of Edward Darly Boit"
Image result for american painting john singer sargent

Andrew Wyeth - "Christina's World"
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James McNeill Whistler - "The Artist's Mother"
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Norman Rockwell
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Art One - time lapse painting

Watch the short video to see the progress and building of a painting.  Thoughts?


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Art One - Watch the Color Video

Click the link below to watch the video.  It is a GREAT (and very, very interesting - I promise) video about color and culture.
What do you think?  What comment in the video stood out to you?  Do not repeat comments, and say something that lets me know that you really watched the video.


Art Two - Non-Objective Painting

Jackson Pollock

“It’s all a big game of construction, some with a brush, some with a shovel, some choose a pen.”   “The method of painting is the natural growth out of a need. I want to express my feelings rather than illustrate them.”  “Every good painter paints what he is.”

Image result for jackson pollock painting

Wassily Kandinsky

Hans Hoffman

Monday, October 1, 2018