Monday, August 22, 2016

Art One - Coil Method

Below are examples of pots made with the coil method.  Which is your favorite and why?


  1. I like the top pot the best, with it's color and design.
    Gabby Lindau

  2. The third pot is my favorite because of all the movement and different designs put together.

  3. I like the second pot the best; because the design doesn't look like a typical one created using the coil method.
    Caroline Radcliff

  4. I like the first pot the best because of the design on it.

  5. I like the fourth pot the best because of the way they used the coil to design the pot. This design looks like it would be very difficult and time-consuming.

  6. I like the third pot the best because you can see where they used the coil method on the outside.

  7. Jake Smaha -
    I like the 4th pot because of all the detail put into the design.

  8. I like the second one the best because it looks really complicated and looks like it would take a lot of talent to make it.

  9. i like the third because it looks really old- Will Watson

  10. The Tee Turley- I like the 4th pot because of the designs and drawing in the side of the bowl.

  11. I like the second pot because it looks very creative and cool.
    - Carter Barfield

  12. I like the third bowl because of the texture and design. - Mia Thompson

  13. I love the top one (first one) because of its abstract line designing;it reminds me of the art that the Aztecs did. I also like the wide curvature of the base.

    Juliana Hawkinson

  14. I like second pot because it really shows that it took time and patience.

  15. I like the first one because it is big and shiny and black. I think it looks dominant because it doesn't have any holes in it, and I like that.

  16. I like the second to last one, because it looks like someone put in a lot of time and hard into the clay project and if you where in someone's house i bet you would recognize that it was hand made clay.

  17. I like the bowl with all if the holes in it! i think it looks really neat and i would honestly love to have it in my house!! (even though i wouldnt be able to keep anything in it!!)
    -Katie Culver

  18. I like the middle one because each coil is unique, and has a different design on it.
    - John Lester
