Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ceramics - Empty Bowls - Blog 1

Below is from the Empty Bowls website to further explain the project.
Why should FPD participate?
Empty Bowls is an international grassroots effort to fight hunger and was created by The Imagine Render Group. The basic premise is simple: Potters and other craftspeople, educators and others work with the community to create handcrafted bowls. Guests are invited to a simple meal of soup and bread. In exchange for a cash donation, guests are asked to keep a bowl as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. The money raised is donated to an organization working to end hunger and food insecurity.
It is the collective genius of all the people involved that has made Empty Bowls what it has become. Events have now taken place across the United States and in at least a dozen other countries. Many millions of dollars have been raised and donated to hunger-fighting organizations. We could never have imagined all the things people have done or all the ways the project has touched people.
Each individual or group organizing an event designs it around the needs of their own community and is responsible for their own event. We ask that all such events are called Empty Bowls so that the idea can continue to spread. Please make your event inclusive, insist that it maintain a high level of integrity, include an educational component to raise awareness, and give the money raised to an organization helping to feed people in need.
The largest hunger-relief organization in the United States, Feeding America, reports that the nation’s food banks could soon be overwhelmed by demand. Statistics show that 1 out of 8 Americans struggle with food insecurity every day. Millions of people have lost their jobs during the most recent recession and the number of food stamp recipients has increased dramatically. Your help is needed now more than ever. Please find the time, make the commitment, get involved. Your single effort can have a profound impact.
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year but when you volunteer, you vote everyday about the kind of community you want to live in.”
-Marjorie Moore


  1. i think empty bowls is a great thing for fpd to participate in and i feel good that we can help people out by the money we raise. - joseph lengel

  2. I think that empty bowls is an easy way for FPD to help those who are suffering from starvation, and i think that it can benefit many people who are in need.
    -James Collins

  3. Making the bowls is a fun and easy way to help out in our community.
    -Caitlin Collins

  4. I think that Empty Bowls is a great cause for our school to support and participate in. The quote at the end is very true- we make the choice to serve others and show them God's love.
    -Elizabeth Smith

  5. As a Christian school, it is our duty to help those in need, not because it earns us salvation, but as a direct response to the fact that we've already been saved. It just so happens that FPD has many art classes at its disposal and can therefore use those classes to help people in need, namely through Empty Bowls.
    -Paul Young

  6. Empty Bowls is a way for FPD community to reach the greater needs of the immense homeless population in the Macon community. Meals are a communal experience, and I am thankful Empty Bowls is there to remind us of hungry people here locally as well as around the world. It serves as a reminder not to take advantage of a simple blessings such as warm food and full stomachs.

  7. Empty Bowls is a simple and small way to make a big impact. Though it seems very minimal to us, our joined forces create a huge impact. It's ministries like these that inspire others and ultimately keep people alive.

    1. Empty Bowls is a great idea that has the potential to really give back to the community. I've also really loved making our bowls in class!
      -Hannah Colquitt

  8. Empty bowls is a great thing!

  9. This is such a great cause. Im glad we made bowls for it! -Mikayla Mobley

  10. Im glad that we are rasing money for such a good cause, and its great that our school is participating in this.
