Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Ceramics - Greek Pottery Video

Follow the link and watch the following very brief video about Greek pottery. 

You must say something that has not already been said and name a fact that you learned from watching.



  1. It was really interesting how the pieces were made and what it took to get them even prepped. Fact: Before even considered being used as clay impurities and pebbles had to be removed.

  2. It was cool to see the process of clay making. Fact: they mixed the clay in water in large pools

  3. I really liked seeing how symmetrical the end products were. Fact: the pottery includes figures that most of the time represent the gods and are either red or black figures.
    Taylor Gordy

  4. It is cool that the pottery usually has a meaning behind the the finished product like the Gods that are usually incorporated in them. Fact: a lot of preparation went into the clay before even starting the pieces.
    Meg Hardin

  5. This video made me realize that even when we get the clay that hasn't been made into anything yet, it's still a finished product of sorts because of the process by which it must be made. In this video I learned that the last step in making the clay is called wedging. This is when the potter steps on the clay to fold it and press it so any places that have settled will be all mixed up.

  6. I thought it was very interesting how the clay and then pottery was made. I did not realize clay had to be made and thought it was naturally occurring. Fact: the water from the pools evaporated and left the clay behind.
    - Chloe DeZoort

  7. I find it interesting how each step of the vase-making process was very strategic and ordered, especially being that it appeared in the video to be a one-man project from start to finish. The interesting fact that I learned about this process was that once the potter built the clay vase using multiple pieces of clay, he outlined it in liquid clay and made a silhouette, rather than going ahead and filling in the design.

  8. it takes them a long time to make the clay and they make such large amounts, very detailed

  9. I likes the videos, they interest me because of the time that they consume in making sure that the details are completely laid out. The amount of effort that are put into it is very tremendous. Very focused and relaxed.

  10. I like the concept of the Greek gods and how they show that through the figures on the pottery

  11. It was very cool to see the entire of process of creating black figure pottery. It seems like it would be very difficult to turn the painted areas black and then turn the unpainted areas back red. Fact: the different shades on Greek pottery are made in the firing process and not by glaze.
    Benjamin Ryle

  12. It was really cool to see how old this pottery is and how it still goes on today. fact: in ancient greece "to make pottery" meant to work hard!
