Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ceramics - important Greek and Roman sculpture

Since we have just looked at Greek pottery, I wanted to show you some important Greek and Roman sculptures.  Notice the movement in each piece.  Thoughts?

Related image
The "She Wolf"  Etruscan (pre-Roman) 5th century B.C. with Renaissance boys added

Image result for laocoon and his sons
Laocoon and His Sons - ancient Greek sculpture located in the Vatican Museum

Image result for dying gaul
The Dying Gaul - Capitoline Museum, Rome

Related image
Gaul Killing Himself and His Wife - Rome

Image result for the discus thrower

The Discus Thrower - Greek

Image result for nike alighting on a warship
Nike of Samonthrace - Greek sculpture in the Louvre Museum, Paris


  1. i think it is cool how they were able to include so much detail in the stone.

  2. It is amazing that the sculptures have so much detail and that they are so large.- Mary Daniel Windham

  3. the fact that they were able to make each of these so perfectly and so life like - McKenzie

  4. i love the fact that the sculptures have so much detail and how they look real. the second one is so life like so pretty and interesting. the movement the artist were able to put in the sculptures is very cool.- julie ann

  5. i think its cool on how much time it looks that it took to make these and the concentration it took to make them this detailed. Very interesting---- Malone Hudson

  6. the detail is so vivid and clear. I love how the artists were able to make them look real and interesting. Jackson Jones

  7. I like how its so detailed and how much work the artist must have put in.

  8. I like how all of them are so detailed and realistic. They must take a really long time to create because of how large they are.

  9. I like how detailed each sculpture is and how they look so lifelike. It amazes me how talented these artists are.

  10. I like these because they all are doing some sort of action and are very weird.
    -Rives Watson

  11. I love how the sculptures all look so detailed. They are all doing some sort of action, which makes them look very realistic.
    -Lillie Mealor

  12. i like the second one because of how much little detail is put into each small piece of the sculpture
    -Cameron Park

  13. The amount of detail and life they put in these sculptures is amazing. How they can have so many meanings is amazing also

  14. I am always very impressed by sheets or clothing that have movements and look so fluid. these are all very impressive and realistic
