Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Art One -time lapse video of painting

Watch the short video to see the progress and building of a painting.  Thoughts?



  1. I didn't realize how much time went into one painting and the different methods they used to paint certain parts of it.
    -avery stroud

  2. Everything is in depth and everything is for a reason. It is hard to detect that when looking at the finished project, but from the time lapse, you can really tell how much effort painters go to make their painting not only speak to them, but to others.- Charles Upshaw

  3. I like how he spent so much time on small tiny details- Harry

  4. all the details are so well done and it looks like many hours were spent on this painting. many details used that i would forget about. - Brooks

  5. I admire his details within his painting.

    Mathis Fricks

  6. After seeing the finished product of a piece of artwork, I never wonder the time and effort the piece took. This video shines light on the hardwork and dedication. WYNTER CALLAHAN

  7. i liked all the different kinds of methods that he used to paint it. -kate

  8. i like all the details he put into it - Garyah

  9. It was amazing to see such a long, complex process condensed down to where you can see all of the layers and details that go into a painting, and the stages it takes to create a piece of art.

  10. i really like the painting. im sure it took a long time. i like the shadows on her face and the many different colors used in this piece. CLAIRE HARRISON

  11. It was cool to see how much detail was put into each individual part of the painting. Henry

  12. I really like how it shows the entire process from start to finish. it really shows how many hours and effort goes into producing a painting like that. i really enjoyed watching her face come together.- tenley pelissier

  13. I really liked the time he took on the painting it show how passionate he was about it and I liked the details-Jalyna M

  14. I really liked the time he took on the painting it show how passionate he was about it and I liked the details-Jalyna M

  15. I love how much passion and love the painter put into the painting. He took his time and spent so much time to perfect the painting it goes to show how much work goes into art - Josh Lincoln

  16. The time and effort put into this was amazing! I loved the details. - Lola Grace Wilson

  17. It's crazy how detailed this it was and how long it took to do it -Walker
