Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Art One - Perspective in Art

Notice how the following artists use perspective in their paintings.j

One point perspective on the ground - Italian artist Perugino
This painting is in the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
Image result for perspective painting

The School of Athens by Raphael
This painting is in the Vatican in Rome
Image result for perspective painting School of athens

The Music Lesson by Vermeer
Image result for perspective painting vermeer

Two point perspectve by Edward Hopper

Image result for two point perspective painting

Also by Edward Hopper - American artist

Image result for two point perspective painting edward hopper


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These are all great demonstrations of perspective!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. These all give a more detailed first person view that makes you feel like you are there.

  5. these are all good examples of perspective

  6. Each painting illustrates perspective very well.
    - Caroline Radcliff

  7. All of these paintings show perspective amazingly. My favorite painting was by far the one in located in the Sistine Chapel with all of its one point perspective on the ground.

  8. I love the last painting because of the 2-D details of the house. I also love the second painting because of the tunneling vision.

    Juliana H.

  9. I like the first painting, because it shows perspective in a very unique way. - Mia Thompson

  10. These are all great examples of perspective. The lighthouse painting by Edward Hopper is a perspective of looking up from afar which is really interesting.
    Bre Williams

  11. I like the last picture, because it looks like a house that you could find the same exact house somewhere in Alabama.
    -Jackson Martin

  12. My favorite painting is last one because it looks realistic due to the perspective. -KT Culver

  13. I especially like the second painting. It's interesting to see how artists could do this in early times.
    Gabby Lindau

  14. these are all a lot of good examples of perspective
    - Jake

  15. I like the last two houses because the artist used perspective to make them look realistic.
    - Carter

  16. super strong examples!

  17. the shining gold roof in the top one is really cool.
    John Lester

  18. The first picture with the men is really cool because it looks really real!
