Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Art One - Rivera

Follow the link to view a gallery of paintings by Diego Rivera.  Click on the first one and then scroll through all of them.  There are about 45.  Choose your favorite and tell us why.



  1. My favorite picture was The Hands of Dr. Moore. The tree had so much shape and character to it.
    -Jessica Smith

  2. I like the one called "Night Scene -1907". For one, it's a very pretty painting and also when I saw it, it reminded me of like the manger scene with baby Jesus. I'm not sure why, but my first impression of it was that it looked like the night Jesus was born. -Katherine Strickland

  3. I like "House over the Bridge-1909" because it conveys a sense of calmness. This painting reminds me of Italy and how some sections float on water.

  4. I like the "portrait of Lupe Marin" because of her irregularly large hands and the mirror effect.
    McKenzie Peterson

  5. Hey everybody! I am posting from the computer in the FPD library. If you are having trouble with your post showing up, try using one of these computers.
    Mrs. Butler

  6. I like the "Head of a Goat" picture because it's simpler, but it still looks like it took a lot of time and effort. - Chris Adams

  7. My favorite was the hands of Dr Moore the tree was very detailed Kendall Friar

  8. My favorite was "La Tour Eiffel". It looks like Diego Rivera put a lot of time and thought into how he could make such an important and well known landmark look abstract to give it character.
    -Stephany Ramdin

  9. My favorite was "house over the bridge" i like the use of the subtle colors to make it have an abstract feel but still have a real look to it.
    -MacKenzie Kortrey

  10. all of his paintings are pertaining to his culture, like they all relate to each other. my favorite was "portrait of Two Women" -lauren lowery

  11. My favorite was "The Threshing Floor La era." It had a really cool background.
    Miller Durham

  12. Favorite is the one with the horses because it looks normal
    Jam Morris

  13. My favorite was "May Day Procession in Moscow". It must have been very time consuming with all the colors and details.
    -Maisyn Samples

  14. My favorite one was the 'The threshing Floor la era' i thoght it was instresting and cool.

    pierce reaves

  15. Portrait dAdolfo Best Maugard. There's something sinister to this one and I like how almost all of it is one color. This guy looks like he's up to no good but whatever it is he does, hes good at it.

  16. Portrait dAdolfo Best Maugard. Theres something sinister to this one and I like how almost the entire thing is one color but different shades. Also that guy looks like hes up to no good but whatever it it hes about to do he's really good at it.
    -Christian Moore

  17. I like "House over the Bridge" because it reminds me of when I was kayaking down this river in South Carolina with a few friends. We saw this beautiful house with a section you could kayak under and we all decided we would live there someday.
    Sydney W

  18. I liked "motherhood Angela and the child diego" because the shapes and color assortment and spontaneous and interesting. It looks like a third grader may have been able to paint it, but it gives off a vibe of randomness and superior craftsmanship. Savannah P

  19. The threshing floor la era, because i love the colors and the depth. I also like how you can see the culture. -sydney

  20. I like young girl because it is interesting and cute.

  21. House Over the Bridge is ny favorite. It has such a realistic look to it.
    -Hannah davis

  22. "Night Scene in Avila" was my favorite because of the way he shadows in the painting.
    -Alli Estes
