Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Art Two - Non-Objective Painting

Jackson Pollock
“It’s all a big game of construction, some with a brush, some with a shovel, some choose a pen.”   “The method of painting is the natural growth out of a need. I want to express my feelings rather than illustrate them.”  “Every good painter paints what he is.”

Wassily Kandinsky

Hans Hoffman


  1. i really like the second group of colors because of the color scheme the used. ryan jones

  2. i like this style of painting and the different colors and brush strokes he uses, especially in the third one.

  3. I really like this style of painting because it's so different from what we're used to doing. I like the last two paintings and how colorful and messy they are, but also how cool they look!

  4. Hans Hoffman's work is outstanding. I love the vibrant colors and the geometrical aspect of his paintings. I'm so excited for this project!!!

  5. I love the first one. I don’t really like drawing in the lines and this gives us total control and to do things that aren’t even intentional, but turn out to look amazing in the end. -Abbie Burns

  6. I really enjoy Wassily Kandinsky painting, especially the second one. It had a mixture of dark and bright colors that realy caught my eye!

  7. i like these because everyone can interpret it in a different way

  8. I like the uniform chaos in these types of paintings.
    Gabby Lindau

  9. I like the the overall look of the paintings and the colors all complement each other very nicely
    Meg Hardin

  10. ive always loved jackson pollock but i really never knew why, i like his work alot, first two are my favorites - joe

  11. I really like the Jackson Pollock painting, he was very careful with the order in which he put down the paint, which affects how the painting is interpreted. The colors in the Kandinsky and Hoffman painting seem contradictory, in the Kandinsky paintings, it causes a melancholy attitude and in the Hoffmans the colors are almost to bright to look at and still be able to interpret the painting.
