Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Art Two - ink and watercolor

Below are examples of watercolor paintings.  Which is the most and least successful?

Image result for watercolor and ink portraits

Image result for watercolor and ink portraits

Image result for watercolor and ink portraits

Image result for watercolor and ink portraits

Image result for watercolor and ink portraits

Image result for watercolor and ink portraits


  1. I think the most successful is the first one because it looks so realistic. the least successful is the one with the baby because it looks like a cartoon picture

    Olivia Little

  2. I think the dog is the most successful and the second is the least successful because it is confusing and looks like a blob
    Elizabeth Windham

  3. these are very cool but i dont think mine will look anything like them
    -Elliott Park

  4. i really like all of these. the random bursts of color are really fun and interesting like in the first and last ones.

  5. the third one is the most successful. the second one is the least successful.
    Tyler Mimbs

  6. the first one is my favorite and looks the most legit. i like how they're different and not supposed to have a "perfect" structure

  7. i really like the dog because i really like dogs and its really cute and the colors are pretty

  8. My favorite is the first and last ones. All of them look super real.
    Lily Peavy

  9. The first is the most successful because of the way the artist dripped the paint, and the fourth is least successful because it is not dynamic.

  10. the most successful one is the dog because it is really simple, yet looks very detailed at the same time. the 2nd one is the least successful because there is too much going on on the man and especially in the background. ----catherine smith

  11. The most successful is the first because it's simple yet expressive. The least successful is the second because it all sort of runs together.
    -Lindsay Turner

  12. These are super gorgeous but look really hard
    Lindsey Strickland

  13. these look impossible and mine is going to look nothing like it.
    Mac Grice
