Monday, February 23, 2015

Ceramics - Slab Containers

We will be making slab containers for our next major project.  It will have to be made mostly of slabs but you may want to have a sculptural element as well.  Think about it.  Which one of these containers is your favorite and why?


  1. i like the forth one because of the cool design on top of thew lid.

  2. i like the third one because they look kind of like bags someone in harry potter would have

  3. I like the first one. I like all the cool designs on it.
    beck muse

  4. I like the last one because it looks very clean and elegant and it looks like it would function well.

  5. my favorite is the one with the fish on it

  6. I really like the first one because its texture and is very unique and the shapes go along well with ut

  7. I love the one with the fish on it because the sculpting on both the fish and the feet is very detailed and clean.
    - Hannah Pittman

  8. I love the 3rd one because it looks like a real leather bag!
