Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ceramics - Masks from Around the World

Watch the following video.  It's about 6 minutes long.
Which one is your favorite and why?  What country is it from?


  1. My favorite is the fist one show under Bolivian Mask. It is at 2:09 seconds.It's spikes that run between the eyes to me represents the pain in life but all of the beautiful and bright colors surrounding it represents the joy in life or the happiness that eventually comes from that pain. This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, "At the end of every storm there is a rainbow."
    -Lucy Lawhon

  2. My favorites are the native American masks because of the bold colors in them.
    -Anna Roddenberry

  3. It's interesting how different cultures can have such drastically different masks and how good each of their craftsmanship is. My favorite was the guatemalan mask that is bright blue. I like it because the color.
    -Ian Smith

  4. my favorite is the 4th Aztecan mask that looks like a dragon because it is so detailed and colorful.
    -Annie Kate Barnes 5th period

  5. I like the European masks the best because of the colors, and they look more modern.

  6. These masks were very interesting. I liked the Caribbean ones the best because they were very unique.
    -Abby Smith

  7. My favorite was the one that looked like an ox. I liked the negative space because it added a lot more interest to the peice.
    Katherine Bolles

  8. I like the colors of the more modern masks. Like the European ones, they were my favorite. -Joseph l.

  9. I like the Chinese and European masks the best because of the detail and creativeness.
    -Megan Ingram

  10. i like the mayan masks because of the variety of 3D structures each one has
    -Alli Estes

  11. My favorite mask is the Aztec mask at 1:40. I like it because it is colorful, but also very calm. -Callie Wilson 4th

  12. The carribean masks was the best. -Christian Moore

  13. I liiked the third of the japanese masks, the teeth were really interesting
    Adam Gorman

  14. I can't decide between the Aztecan and idian masks both are really intresting and detailed.
    Patrick hague 4th period

  15. I liked that mayan mask becasue it was very creative and 3 dimensional.

  16. the amizonian mask is my favorit because it is so unique and cool looking
    cliare crawford

  17. My favorite are the mayan ones! Theyre so colorful!
    Gracie Kate

  18. I love the bold colors of the native americans!-Grace Ford

  19. I like the Aztecan mask the best! -TJ Sams

  20. My favorite mask is at 1:45 because the hair makes him look all silly.

  21. The aztec looks similar to the Napal/Chinese masks iv seen in the past! crazy how they are so far apart so similar
